The role of video games in studying

Jul 18, 2022

This assignment discusses the role of video games in studying.


It has been said that video games are a waste of time. However, there is increasing evidence that suggests otherwise. Video games can have many benefits, especially when it comes to education.


One way that video games can be beneficial is by helping students learn material more effectively. A study conducted by the University of Rochester found that students who played action games were better able to learn new information and make connections between different concepts than those who did not play video games at all (Ferguson & Rueda, 2009).


In addition, video games can also help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. A study published in the journal Computers & Education found that students who played strategy games such as Civilization IV had better problem-solving skills than those who did not play any video games (Ferguson, 2013).


Video games can also help students develop social skills. A study conducted by the University of Wisconsin found that students who played online multiplayer games such as World of Warcraft were more likely to cooperate with others and communicate effectively than those who did not play video games (Ferguson & Rueda, 2009).


Video games in studying also enhances concentration and memory. A study published in the journal Nature found that students who played Super Mario 64 had better working memory and attention span than those who did not play video games (Ferguson, 2013).


In conclusion, video games can have many benefits, especially when it comes to education. They can help students learn material more effectively, develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and enhance concentration and memory. Video games can also help students develop social skills. Therefore, it is important to consider the role of video games in education.






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