The role of PE lessons in modern schools

Jul 19, 2022

This paper explores the role that physical education (PE) lessons play in modern schools. It discusses the importance of PE lessons in promoting physical activity and healthy lifestyles among young people. The paper also looks at the challenges that schools face in delivering effective PE lessons, and argues that more needs to be done to ensure that all students have access to quality PE provision.


The role of physical education (PE) lessons in schools has come under scrutiny in recent years. Some commentators have argued that PE is no longer a priority for schools, and that it should be cut from the curriculum altogether. However, this view fails to recognise the important role that PE can play in promoting physical activity and healthy lifestyles among young people.


There is no doubt that levels of childhood obesity are a cause for concern. In the UK, one in five children are obese by the time they start primary school, and this figure rises to one in three by the time they leave secondary school. This is having a significant impact on children's health, with obese children more likely to suffer from a range of health problems including diabetes, heart disease and joint problems.


Physical activity can help to combat childhood obesity, and PE lessons are an important way of getting children moving. However, recent research has shown that many schools are not providing adequate PE provision. A report by the charity Action for Children found that two-thirds of primary schools in England do not have a qualified PE teacher, and that many PE lessons are being taught by teachers who do not have the necessary training.


This is having a negative impact on children's physical activity levels, as well as their health. In order to address this issue, more needs to be done to ensure that all schools have access to quality PE provision. This includes ensuring that all teachers receive the necessary training, and that PE lessons are given the same priority as other subjects on the curriculum.


Physical education (PE) plays an important role in modern schools. It helps to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles among young people, and is a crucial part of a well-rounded education. However, more needs to be done to ensure that all schools have access to quality PE provision, and that all teachers receive the necessary training. Only then will we see a real impact on children's physical activity levels, and their overall health.

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