The Effects of colonialization in Africa

May 19, 2022

This assignment will explore the effects of colonialism in Africa. It will discuss how the African continent was divided up among the European powers, how Africans were treated by their colonial masters, and how colonialism has shaped the modern-day African countries.


The partitioning of Africa by the European powers was a major factor in the continent's colonization. The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 was held to establish rules for dividing up Africa among the European nations. At this conference, the Europeans agreed on how to divide up African territory without resorting to war with each other. As a result of this conference, Africa was divided into colonial territories which were controlled by the various European nations.

The treatment of Africans by their colonial masters varied depending on the country. In some instances, such as in the Belgian Congo, Africans were treated very harshly and were forced to work in terrible conditions. In other places, like British Africa, the colonial powers tried to rule with a more hands-off approach, allowing Africans more self-governance. However, in all cases of colonialism, the Europeans exploited African resources for their own benefit and Africans were generally considered inferior to their colonial masters.

The legacies of colonialism are still evident in modern-day Africa. The continent is still divided into many different countries, each with its own borders that were established by the European colonizers. Additionally, Africa is still struggling to recover from the economic exploitation that occurred during colonialism. Many African countries are also battling with the legacies of racism and discrimination that were perpetrated by the colonial powers.

Overall, colonialism has had a profound and lasting impact on Africa. The continent was divided up and controlled by the Europeans, Africans were treated harshly and exploited for their resources, and the legacies of colonialism are still evident in modern-day Africa.

Colonization, however, opened up Africa to the world. It brought new technologies and ideas to the continent and introduced new economic opportunities. While colonialism has had many negative impacts on Africa, it has also had some positive effects as well.






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