The Correlation Between Racial Profiling and Police Brutality

Jun 07, 2023

This paper discusses the correlation between racial profiling and police brutality. Racial profiling is defined as "the practice of using race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone of having committed an offense," according to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). This form of discrimination has been used by law enforcement officers against people of color since the early days of policing in America, and has continued today.


Police brutality is a form of excessive force used by law enforcement officers when confronting citizens. According to criminal justice professor Justin Nix, it is “any physical force that exceeds what is necessary to protect public safety or lawfully effectuate arrests”. It can take many forms such as physical violence, psychological intimidation, verbal abuse, and even neglecting to provide basic human rights while in custody.

The Correlation Between Racial Profiling and Police Brutality

Racial profiling and police brutality are interconnected phenomena, as they often manifest together and can lead to the same negative outcomes for people of color. Racial profiling leads to police officers viewing people of color with suspicion regardless of any evidence that a crime has been committed. This, in turn, potentially contributes to police officers using excessive force when engaging with these individuals. Furthermore, studies have shown that racial discrimination can foster feelings of hostility towards law enforcement and may even increase the likelihood of violent confrontations between citizens and police officers.


In conclusion, racial profiling and police brutality are closely linked because racial profiling perpetuates stereotypes about people of color that can lead to an increased risk for unjustified use of force by law enforcement. People of color are more likely to experience negative interactions with police officers than white people, and this is often due to racial biases that exist in the criminal justice system. This paper has highlighted the correlation between racial profiling and police brutality, and why it is important for law enforcement to recognize these connections in order to prevent further injustice from occurring.


It is also essential for law enforcement agencies at all levels of government to implement policies that address racial profiling so that individuals who have been wrongfully targeted can receive just treatment from the criminal justice system. Additionally, citizens should be encouraged to report instances of racial profiling or police brutality when they occur so that action can be taken against those responsible.

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