Origin and the development of "fake news" in the Maragtas story and the Code of Kalantiaw

Jun 17, 2022

This paper explores the origins and development of "fake news" in the Maragtas story and the Code of Kalantiaw. It begins by tracing the history of these two texts, from their creation to their spread throughout the Philippines and beyond. It then looks at how "fake news" has been used to distort or misrepresent the content of these texts, often for political gain. Finally, it discusses some possible solutions to the problem of "fake news", including greater transparency and accountability on the part of those who create and disseminate it.

The Maragtas story and the Code of Kalantiaw are two of the most important texts in Philippine history. They were both created during the early years of the Philippine archipelago, and they have both been used to shape the way that subsequent generations have understood their country's past. However, in recent years, these texts have come under attack from those who seek to distort or misrepresent their content for political gain. As a result, it has become increasingly difficult for ordinary Filipinos to know what to believe about their own history.

This problem was brought into sharp relief during the 2016 presidential election when then-candidate Rodrigo Duterte made numerous false claims about the Maragtas story and the Code of Kalantiaw. Duterte claimed, for example, that the Maragtas story proved that he was descended from a royal line, and that the Code of Kalantiaw contained a law that made it legal to kill criminals. These claims were quickly debunked by historians, but they nevertheless served to sow confusion and mistrust among the general public.

The spread of "fake news" about the Maragtas story and the Code of Kalantiaw is a direct result of the fact that these texts are not widely available in English. While there are several translations of the Maragtas story and the Code of Kalantiaw available online, most of them are of poor quality or are unreliable. This lack of access has allowed those with an agenda to manipulate these texts for their own gain.

One way to combat the spread of "fake news" is to make sure that the Maragtas story and the Code of Kalantiaw are more widely available in English. This would allow more people to read and understand these important texts for themselves, and it would make it harder for those with ulterior motives to distort their content. Additionally, greater transparency and accountability on the part of those who create and disseminate "fake news" would also help to reduce its spread. However, ultimately, it is up to each individual to be critical of the information that they consume and to check its accuracy for themselves.



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