Increasing the sentencing for pedophiles

Sep 29, 2022

This research paper will explore the idea of increasing the sentencing for pedophiles. The reason for this is to provide protection for children, who are often the victims of such crimes. Furthermore, it will also explore how such an increase might act as a deterrent for potential offenders.


There is no doubt that child sexual abuse is a serious problem in our society. According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, there are approximately four million reported cases of child sexual abuse in the United States each year (National Center for Victims of Crime, 2016). This means that every eight minutes, a child is being sexually abused somewhere in America.


While these numbers are alarming, it is important to note that many cases of child sexual abuse go unreported. In fact, the National Center for Victims of Crime estimates that only one in four cases of child sexual abuse are actually reported to authorities (National Center for Victims of Crime, 2016). This means that the actual number of children being sexually abused in our country is likely much higher than what is reported.


Child sexual abuse can have a profound effect on a victim's life. In addition to the obvious physical and emotional damage that can be done, child sexual abuse can also lead to problems later on in life, such as substance abuse, depression, and even suicide. In fact, according to the website Childhelp, "Children who have been sexually abused are 25% more likely to experience problems with drugs" and "32% more likely to experience problems with alcohol" (Childhelp, 2016).


Furthermore, child sexual abuse can also have a ripple effect, impacting not only the victims but also their families and society as a whole. For example, children who are sexually abused are more likely to engage in risky or criminal behavior as adults (National Center for Victims of Crime, 2016). This means that they are more likely to end up in prison or become involved in other negative activities.


Given the serious nature of child sexual abuse, it is important that those who commit such crimes be punished accordingly. Unfortunately, however, the punishments for child sexual abusers are often far too lenient. In many cases, offenders receive nothing more than a slap on the wrist, even though they have forever changed the lives of their victims.


This needs to change. Child sexual abusers should be given harsher punishments, such as longer prison sentences, in order to reflect the severity of their crimes. Furthermore, such punishments might act as a deterrent for potential offenders, as they would know that they would face serious consequences if they were caught.


While increasing the punishment for child sexual abusers might not completely solve the problem, it is certainly a step in the right direction. By making these offenders face harsher penalties, we can send a message that child sexual abuse will not be tolerated and that those who commit such crimes will be held accountable for their actions.


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