How  Citizen Kane challenged the classic Hollywood cinema: Written Assignment 2_FIL-110-OL009

Jun 02, 2022

This paper discusses the ways in which Citizen Kane challenged the traditional narrative and technical elements of classic Hollywood cinema. It gives specific examples using appropriate cinematic terminology.

Citizen Kane is widely regarded as one of the most important films in the history of cinema. It was released in 1941, a time when the traditional studio system was still very much in place and the rules of filmmaking were well established. However, Citizen Kane managed to challenge many of these conventions, both in terms of its story and its use of techniques.

One of the most notable aspects of Citizen Kane is its non-linear narrative structure. The film does not tell its story in a straightforward way, instead jumping back and forth in time to provide different perspectives on the life of its central character, Charles Foster Kane. This was a very innovative approach to storytelling at the time, and it helped to break down the traditional three-act structure that had been so prevalent in Hollywood films up until that point.

In terms of its technical aspects, Citizen Kane also pushed the boundaries of what was possible. The film made use of deep focus photography, which was still relatively new at the time. This allowed for both foreground and background elements to be in sharp focus, something that had rarely been seen before. Additionally, the film employed creative uses of lighting and sound design to create a unique visual and auditory experience.

All of these elements combined to make Citizen Kane a groundbreaking film that challenged many of the conventions of classic Hollywood cinema. It is still considered to be one of the most important and influential films ever made.

Most notably, Citizen Kane challenges the traditional linear narrative structure through its use of flashbacks told from different perspectives. This allows for a more complete understanding of the main character, Charles Foster Kane. In terms of technical aspects, Citizen Kane also uses deep-focus photography and creative sound design to create a unique experience.

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