External and Internal Factors of Child Development

Jun 09, 2023

This paper discusses the key external and internal factors that impact a child's development.


External factors include those outside of a child’s immediate environment, such as national economic conditions, culture, religion, media, and technology. For example, poverty can have an effect on childhood development due to the lack of resources available in deprived areas. Culture can also shape a child’s development—values and beliefs passed down from generation to generation will be instilled in children from a young age. The availability of technology can also influence how quickly children learn about certain topics.

External and Internal Factors of Child Development

Internal factors refer to elements within the child's immediate environment which have an effect on the way they develop. This includes family dynamics such as parental education level and income; sibling relationships; and the amount of attention, affection, stimulation, and support provided by parents or guardians. These factors can have a significant effect on a child’s life outcomes. For instance, children who grow up with attentive parents tend to do better in school than those who don’t have the same level of care.


Overall, external and internal factors all play an important role in shaping a child’s development. It is important for parents to be aware of both types of influences when raising their children so they can make sure their children have access to the resources needed for healthy development and growth. With the right combination of external and internal factors, children can reach their full potential as they grow up.



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